Sometimes you're restricted to a "free" zone and have to repeatedly buy access to the rest of the game piece by piece sometimes you're incapable of gaining certain abilities or items without buying them with real-world money sometimes gameplay is time-restricted unless you either pay to reset the timer or wait for several hours or even days before you can perform more activities sometimes you can buy a copy or pay a subscription fee (and even then, additional purchases may be needed.) Some games just have so much that is exclusively bought that those who pay have such a gigantic advantage over those who don't. This is for games that claim to be free, but force players to pay for a HUGE chunk of the content. This isn't about games where all monetary elements are purely cosmetic or minor enough that you could genuinely play the game for free and never miss them, like removing adverts. If the commercials bandy about terms like "FREE", "UNLIMITED", and “WITHOUT PAYING” while the ability to complete or be competitive within the game is walled off for those who don't dish dough ( or even those who do!), you've got yourself an Allegedly Free Game. This is primarily an advertising trope about a mismatch between PR and reality. Games based around this concept are more commonly referred to as "Pay to Win", or more humorously, "Free to Pay".

This game calls itself "Free to Play" - with a heavy restriction on the "play" part. Dan Stapleton, "Strategy you can't buy," GamesRadar