In the System folder (under My Documents\Universe Sandbox\Systems) you may find two folders: (see the question "What are these 'Copy of' folders?") What are these 'Copy of' folders? In the File Tools panel click the link 'Create copy of included simulations' to make a copy of these files that you can freely edit and delete with fear of messing anything up. The simulations that are included with Universe Sandbox are saved in the 'Programs File' folder and it's best not to edit them. How do I open and edit the included simulations? XML files can also be dragged into the Universe Sandbox window to open them.Or drag the file into the Universe Sandbox window to open it.Double click on it to automatically open the file in Universe Sandbox.How do I open a UBOX file in Universe Sandbox? Click the link 'Open File Editing Tools'.Be sure to include your email address and we'll help you discover the problem. Post a message on the forums or use the ' Share Simulation with the Creator.' link to send me your simulation for help. They are for the v2.0 file format of Universe Sandbox Legacy. These instructions do not apply to the latest version of Universe Sandbox. On the New page, just click ' Send System to the Creator of.'. You can send us your systems for inclusion in future versions of Universe Sandbox. Drag the XML file into the square on the File Tools panel to create a UBOX file (this will also move the XML to the Recycle Bin).Drag the folder created in step 3 back into the square on the File Tools panel to recreate the UBOX file (this will also move the folder to the Recycle Bin).Inside is the XML files that store the simulation data.Find the folder it created and open it.This will extract the UBOX file into a folder where it was saved. Find the saved UBOX file and drag it into the square on the File Tools panel.On the File Tools panel, click 'Open folder where simulations are saved'.Open the File Tools panel in Universe Sandbox (Main Menu > New > Open File Editing Tools).Use the built-in File Tools to access the easily editable XML files stored inside UBOX files. Universe Sandbox uses a file format called UBOX to save simulations.